WebSite of the MONTH This section reviews and awards a certain Site that is cool enough to be in this cool zine and be talked about being cool and tell everyone that thier site is cool. Cool eh?? This Month's site is more of a tribute than an aknowledgement: Weasel Enterprises (, owned and operated by Weasel) Wow, what an excellent site. A great production of all the essentials put into one. Hes got tons of files, the top 25 files, a CD, and much more. Files galore I'm telling you. A resource page to die for. Everything from AOL to virri to networking to Mac stuff. This place is very well organized. Many good reading in the texts section. I must highly recommend the text section. Its actually where I started. Wierd huh? Weasel Enterprises has compiled a list of THE top 25 files ever as seen by them. I garauntee you that any file you download is gonna be great. Weasel also has a CD out with over 16,000 files on it. Absolutely great! I personally haven't had the experience because of my low low income. Heh. Anyway, its great cause I've heard a lot about it. Now, I would like to congradulate this month's site of the week, Weasel Enterprises. Great job and wish you could keep it goin'! BTW, if weasel, you are reading this, I'm lookin' forward to HackAddict X! The Q Do you have a website or a site you would like to nominate for future Sites of the months? Send it to